What is Composite Bonding?

What is composite bonding?

Have you been thinking about booking in for composite bonding? If you’re unhappy with small chips, cracks, discolouration, or minor spacing in your teeth, composite bonding may be the ideal cosmetic solution for you. 

Composite bonding is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that uses a tooth-coloured resin material and ultraviolet light to repair damaged teeth or improve their appearance.  

This minimally invasive treatment uses a putty-like resin material in natural tooth shades to seamlessly fill gaps, cover stains, or reshape teeth for a more uniform smile. The entire process often only takes about 30-60 minutes to complete in one visit.  


What issues can composite bonding fix? 

Composite bonding is an ideal solution for a variety of minor, yet frustrating, dental flaws. Here are some of the most common issues that can be fixed with composite bonding: 

  • Small chips and cracks – Over time, small chips and cracks in the teeth enamel can occur. Composite material can fill in these imperfections for a smooth finish. 
  • Stains and discoloration – Stubborn stains from coffee, tea, wine, smoking, and medication can be covered up with composite bonding. The natural tooth-coloured material masks unwanted discoloration. 
  • Gaps between teeth – Minor gaps between teeth can be closed with composite bonding for a more uniform smile. The gaps are filled in and shaped for a natural look. 
  • Small cavities – In some cases, composite bonding can be used to fill minor cavities without extensive drilling or anaesthesia. It provides a tooth-coloured fill that blends in seamlessly. 
  • Uneven teeth – Teeth that are slightly uneven or differ in shape/size can be reshaped with composite bonding. It’s an instant way to create a more symmetrical smile. 

The bottom line is that composite bonding is ideal for minor imperfections.  

It creates a uniform smile by fixing chips, gaps, stains, small cavities, and uneven teeth through a minimally invasive approach.  

Providing our clients with a subtle yet transformative cosmetic improvement as a less invasive alternative to dental veneers.  


How is the composite material bonded to teeth? 

The composite resin material bonds tightly to the natural tooth surface through a simple conditioning process: 

  1. The tooth surface is lightly roughened and etched with a mild acid to create microscopic pores for the composite to adhere to. 
  1. A liquid bonding agent is then applied which allows the resin material to stick to the roughened enamel surface. 
  1. The tooth-coloured composite resin is carefully shaped and moulded over the tooth surface in need of repair. The putty-like material is manually sculpted for a seamless look. 
  1. Finally, the composite resin is hardened (or cured) with the use of a special UV light. This curing process takes about 30 seconds per tooth surface. 

The end result is a strong, durable bond that lasts for years. The conditioning process allows the composite resin to seamlessly blend in as it hardens. The bonding agent acts as the “glue”, while the acid etching allows the material to grip the porous tooth surface. It creates a tight seal for a natural-looking repair. 

The composite resin comes in various natural shades to closely match the surrounding tooth colour. Our skilled dentists and Mola Dental meticulously shape the putty-like material for a uniform look and feel. With proper oral care, composite bonds can last 5-7 years or longer before needing replacement. 


What are the pros and cons? 

Composite bonding offers several advantages, especially for minor imperfections: 


  • Affordable – Composite bonding costs approximately £250-£350 per tooth, making it cheaper than other dental work. 
  • Quick procedure – Only one short visit is required to complete the process. No dental lab work is needed. 
  • Little tooth preparation – Unlike crowns or veneers, very little natural tooth needs to be removed. 
  • Durable material – With proper care, composite bonds can last several years or longer before needing replacement. 
  • Natural looking – Composite resin comes in various tooth shades for seamless, subtle improvements.


  • Less durable than other options – Composite doesn’t last as long as dental crowns or veneers. 
  • Can stain over time – Composite bonding may gradually pick up stains from food/drinks. 
  • May need periodic replacement – Touch ups may be needed every few years as bonding wears down. 
  • While composite bonding doesn’t last as long crowns or veneers, it provides a minimally invasive and affordable way to achieve minor, yet visible cosmetic improvements. The process is quick and comfortable for the patient. For moderate flaws, this treatment offers reliable and natural-looking results. 

Hopefully this blog has answered any questions that you have surrounding Composite Bonding, but if you have anymore, please get in touch with our professional team – we’re happy to help. 

Mola Dental also offers the procedure, so if you’re interested in Composite Bonding as a convenient and affordable cosmetic solution for minor dental flaws, you can find out more here. 



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