6 Things to Consider When Choosing a Private Dentist

There are many reasons why you may choose to become a patient of a private dentist as opposed to an NHS one. Typically, NHS dentists are open traditional hours (9-5 Monday to Friday). So, if you work or don’t want to take your children out of school to attend a dentist appointment, you may struggle to find a suitable appointment time with an NHS dentist.

Or perhaps the decision to look for a private practice is a recent decision since NHS dentists are struggling to get through the backlog of appointments caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

No matter your reasoning, many benefits come with visiting a private dental clinic. There are no limitations to the services we provide. Additionally, not only do we always carry out treatment to give you the best possible functionality but, we also focus on cosmetic aesthetics.

To help ensure you find the best private dental practice to suit you, we have compiled the following list of things you must consider when choosing a private dentist.

1 – Look for experience

The first point of call is to check that your dentist is registered with the General Dental Council, the UK-wide statutory regulator of dental practitioners.  A reputable dentist will proudly display its team’s registration numbers to reassure you of their expertise instantly.

Secondly, look for reviews of the dentists in your area. A good dentist will have reviews featured throughout their website. However, it’s important to remember that these reviews have been chosen and featured by them. Take your research one step further and check their reviews on Google or Trustpilot. These reviews will give you a better reflection of the practice. What’s more, look at how the dentist has responded to negative reviews – every business will encounter a negative review at some point. Have they ignored it? Argued back? Or have they asked the unsatisfied customer to give them a call so they can put the situation right.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to ask people you know what their dentist is and whether they’d recommend it. Ask your friends, family and neighbours how they’ve found the experience. Facebook Groups are a great place to learn more about your local community if you’re new to an area. The chances are that if you post in the group, explaining that you’re new and looking for a reputable dentist, people will offer their recommendations.

2 – Don’t go for the cheapest

As with anything, you get what you pay for. So, if you see an uncharacteristically cheap dentist, it might be cheaper for a reason.

If you are on a budget, being a patient of a private dentist is not unrealistic. Check to see what plans they have available, many established dentists have plans suited for individuals and children. And they will consider how frequently you need to go for a check-up.

Additionally, a truly professional dentist will offer 0% finance to help you split the cost of treatments. Before you join, we suggest asking if a dentist has this option available.

3 – Make sure you feel comfortable

If the receptionist takes the time to welcome you, get to know you and ask questions to make you feel comfortable, this is a good reflection of the practice.

You want to be a patient of a dentist who will take the time to get to know you and work with you to maintain your oral health. Look on their website and social media to find out if your dentist will take this extra time. Consider-

  • Do they share information about their practice?
  • Are they engaged members of the community?
  • Do they post informative content?

If they are taking the time to do these things, the chances are that they will ensure you feel comfortable during a visit!

Additionally, if you’re a nervous patient, check if they have a section of their website dedicated to their approach for anxious patients. A trustworthy dentist will recognise that a dental visit isn’t an easy task for everyone, and a high-quality practice will reassure you and help get you to an appointment. If you are a nervous patient struggling to attend an appointment due to your anxiety, here is what a dentist can do to help you.

4 – Check their range of services

The main difference between an NHS dentist and a private one is that private dentists generally have more treatments available. Not only do they have general dental care, but they will offer cosmetic dentistry too.

If you’re joining a dentist specifically for cosmetic dental purposes such as private teeth whitening, make sure to check they offer the service you’re looking for and look for their patient’s reviews of this service.

5 – Ensure they specialise in preventative care

The role of a dental hygienist is preventative care, to offer help and advice which will ensure your oral health is in the best possible condition. A dental hygienist will continuously be checking for the signs of gum disease and cancer, but does the practice go one step further and offer resources about what you can do to prevent this?

While you’re checking their website and social media, it’s a good idea to look at whether they share advice or resources about how to maintain good oral hygiene at home. If they take the time to offer this advice, chances are they are committed to ensuring their patients experience the highest level of preventative care.

6 – What are their opening hours?

Finally, as we mentioned earlier, a significant difference between an NHS dentist and a private one is that a private dentist will have more flexible opening hours and more appointment times available.

Check their opening hours before signing up. And especially look out for if they have evening and weekend appointments available.

Mola Dental ticks all the boxes

If you, like us, are based in Sheffield, you’ll be pleased to know that Mola Dental ticks all these boxes (and more!) Our team is committed to ensuring you have the best possible experience. We always put our patients first, which is why we’re rated five stars on Google.

If you’re looking for a private dental clinic in Sheffield that has the availability to take on new patients, send us an email to hello@moladental.com or call one of our friendly receptionists on 0114 317 7002.


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