5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Your Dental Hygienist

Why Should I Visit My Dental Hygienist?

Unlike visiting the doctor, you shouldn’t just see your dental hygienist when something is wrong. You must visit as often as they recommend because there are many checks that your dental hygienist will perform during a check-up – all to improve your oral and overall health. If you’re not quite convinced, here are 5 reasons why you should visit your dental hygienist…

Reason 1: Dental Hygienists Help You to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

The role of a dental hygienist is to work on preventative care, which is why you should visit yours even if there is seemingly nothing wrong. A large part of prevention is ensuring you are maintaining good oral hygiene practices between visits.

After your examination, your dental hygienist will be able to make specific recommendations on how you can improve your oral health at home. They will also:

  • Demonstrate how to clean your own teeth like a hygienist.
  • Recommend dentist-approved electronic toothbrushes and cleaning products.
  • Help parents to care for their children’s teeth.

Additionally, your dental hygienist will professionally clean your teeth (usually called a scale and polish). A scale and polish will remove any build-up of plaque and tartar. Hygiene appointments can also involve using Airflow, a special cleaning system that uses a jet of air and fine grain to polish the surfaces of the teeth gently. Airflow can remove surface stains and leave your teeth much cleaner and whiter.

Reason 2: Dental Hygienists Will Check for Signs of Bigger Problems

During your appointment, your dental hygienist will be inspecting for any signs of a more considerable underlying condition. They will be looking for any cavities or any signs that you’re at risk of developing a cavity, in addition to spotting any early symptoms of mouth cancer or gum disease.

If your dental hygienist does identify any bigger issues during your appointment, they’ll make you aware of your options and advise you on the next steps.

Reason 3: A Dental Hygienist Will Help You Break Negative Habits

Have you ever wondered why your dental hygienists ask questions such as “do you bite your nails?” Well, it’s because bad habits such as these can lead to unnecessary problems later down the line – so it’s best to nip the habit in the bud before it causes issues.

Habitually biting nails risk chipping or fracturing your front teeth, your teeth breaking or even falling out. And what’s more, you can also cause damage to your tooth enamel.

Even with regular hand washing, biting nails brings unnecessary germs into your mouth, which risks infecting your gums. Typically, nail biters suffer from a higher risk of infection than those who don’t bite their nails.

The dental hygienists will identify any negative habits you may have and make recommendations on overcoming these.

Reason 4: A Dental Hygienist Appointment Won’t Cause You Any Distress

Over half of the UK population suffers from fear or anxiety when visiting the dentist. This fear can take many forms but ultimately is one of the main reasons people don’t attend or book a dental hygienist appointment.

At Mola Dental, we’re experienced in making visits pleasant for nervous patients, and we’re proud to have helped many dental phobics overcome their fears. Whether you want to talk through the process or you’d like to put your headphones in and listen to music, there will be a hand to hold, and we will go at your pace. And if for any reason you need to stop, we can. We make sure you’re in control at all times.

Contrary to popular belief, the scale and polish during a hygiene appointment doesn’t hurt. You may feel a slight tickling feeling in your gums, but if you are especially worried, we can discuss the option of using a numbing gel to help.

If you’re putting off a dental appointment due to fear, have a read of what ex-dental phobics had to say after visiting Mola Dental. Or give us a call on 0114 317 7002, and one of our friendly receptionists would be happy to talk to you and discuss how we can help.

Reason 5: Your Dental Hygienist Protects More Than Your Mouth

Your mouth is the window to your body, and as mentioned, your dental hygienist will look for underlying conditions which can lead to further adverse effects.

Moreover, the condition of your teeth and gums impacts your overall health, with gum disease linked to many other health problems in other parts of the body.

Gum disease can increase your risk of other health complications, including stroke, diabetes and heart disease. Gum disease has even been linked with problems in pregnancy and dementia. So by regularly attending hygiene appointments and following your dental hygienist’s advice on oral health, you reduce your chances of developing subsequent health complications.

How to Book a Dental Hygiene Appointment

To book a dental hygiene appointment, give one of our friendly receptionists a call on 0114 317 7002 or email hello@moladental.com. They will be happy to help you book an appointment!

If you’re not already a patient of Mola Dental – not to worry. We are available to take on new clients, so fill out your details on our contact form, and we will be in touch.
